Saturday, June 21, 2014

This I Believe Freewrite

I believe in true happiness not temporary happiness. Some may think, "What on Earth do you mean by that?" Well, I will explain. Our world today seems to be chalked full of temporary happiness. Around every corner is the opportunity to go get drunk, break your virtue, try drugs, buy clothes that reveal everything, and the list goes on and on. These things all bring temporary happiness, the happiness that is there in the moment for a short while but do not last. These things allow you to "be happy" for a time, then end in regret or an addiction to do more, which ultimately leads you down a life of unhappiness. For instance, many think going to parties and getting drunk is fun, hip, and will bring them happiness. While they may think this in the moment, they will not think this the next morning when they are hung-over. There are so many threats to just a plain ole' good person these days it is sometimes difficult to see through the ciaos of our world. There is a lot of pressure for people to join in on these worldly things, however, that is not what brings us true happiness. True happiness comes from living by the commandments set forth in the scriptures. True happiness comes from laughing with your family and friends. True happiness is keeping the law of chastity and waiting until you are married. True happiness comes from serving others wholeheartedly. True happiness is seen in the light of someone's eye. Just like temporary happiness, true happiness comes in many ways. I strongly believe that there is a difference between the happiness the world has to offer and the happiness our God has to offer.

288 words

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100%. I am just going to keep looking for lasting happiness!
