Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Today I decided to write a few different types of poems for fun. I’m not very talented within poetry, however, when I was younger I really enjoyed writing them. I love to listen to people read them aloud. Poetry has such a beautiful flow to it and can create a beautiful picture that nothing else can. Walt Whittman’s poetry is soothing to the sole to hear and to read. While I was in Junior High my English teacher required that all of her students memorize and say a poem in front of the class each year. In 7th grade we were to memorize Oh Captain my Captain and then in 8th grade we had to memorize Two Roads diverged in a Yellow Wood. I can still pronounce some stanzas from those poems still to this day. At the time, it seemed as though it was an extremely difficult and scary task, but now I look back with gratitude to my junior high English teacher. She really helped me acquire a deeper knowledge within English and in particularly in poetry. Before her I didn’t know a whole lot about the different types of poetry. I can’t tell you all about them now, but at the time I felt like I had a good knowledge about poetry. Anyway, I enjoy poetry and even though these are just simple little ones I hope you enjoy them!



Flower Garden

Always Bright Colors

Dandelions Elegant Fragrantly Growing

Hibiscus In Journey

Kingcup Lay Meaningful

Narcissus Outrageous Poke

Quickly Radiate Shine

Together Unbelievable

Very Wacky ‘Xpressions

 Yellow  Zinnia’s



fierce, big

devastating, menacing, threatening

mammal, warrior, protector, wasp

stinging, pricking, annoying

yellow, small

yellow jackets 



cool, pretty

flowing, flowering growing

easter, season, Christmastime, snow

snowing, biting, cutting

cold, white




yellow, juicy

picking, slicing, cutting

fruit, drinkable, edible, vitamin c

growing, slashing, opening

orange, round




red, sweet

dicing, gouging, splitting

fruit, vine-like, juicy, berry

popping, vining, clumping

purple, green



4th of July

bright, elaborate

exploding, rocketing, flying

fireworks, celebration, holiday, songs

snowing, celebrating, singing

white, peaceful



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