Thursday, July 10, 2014

Personal Narrative Thoughts

Monday, July 7th, 2014

I really enjoyed going through and editing the other students’ essays within my group. I was surprised at how different everyone’s essays were, and how my group members had dwindled. I expected to have the same amount of people in my writing group as before, however, that was not the case. In the beginning my group included five students and now it only has three, including myself. I loved reading Chelsey and Chad’s essays in my group. I felt like I was able to get to know them much better because their essays truly showed their personality. It seemed as though their personalities shined through their phrasing, wording, and just plain writing. Both of the essays were delightful to read, however, they were far from alike. It seemed as though everyone had a different approach to this essay. Chad began his essay with his credo, which was wrote beautifully. Chelsey talked about herself personally and what she hoped to live by throughout her life. I myself told a personal story and incorporated my credo within it. When I read the story Casa in our book I loved how the personal narrative was created. She told a story from her childhood and incorporated her values and the things that were important to her throughout the story with great detail. After reading this personal narrative, I decided that would be my approach to my own personal narrative as well. I must admit that I have never went at a personal narrative essay quite the way I did this time, however, I felt very good about my ending result. It was amazing to me how different all three of our personal narrative essays were, yet we were all able to express our credo within the essay, although in many different ways.

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