Monday, June 30th, 2014
Today I was able to help my Mom and Uncle with some cleaning out. My grandma has been in a nursing home for a few years now since she had a stroke. She had to go through quite a bit of physical therapy to get her up and going again. As much as she would like to think she is just as healthy as a 22 year old, she isn't. My Uncle had moved into the home my Grandma used to live in and hadn't really cleaned any of her things out. She took some with her to the nursing home, but she has collected a lot of stuff over the years! Anyone who has cleaned out an elderly person's room can tell you all about that. She had all kinds of knick-knacks tucked away. It was amazing some of the things we were able to find, and then other things we couldn't even believe she kept. It was literally a treasure hunt! By the end of the day we were able to get through a lot of her stuff. Quite a bit of it is going to be donated and some of it we are keeping of course. We found a few things she would probably like to have with her at the nursing home so we are going to take some of that later. My grandma was actually a writer herself. She wrote a couple books and always thought it would be neat to have them published; but she never got too far along in the process to do so. I myself haven't read the books so I couldn't tell you if they were actually good or not, but she just loved to write. She said it was relaxing to her to just sit down at the typewriter. She would type a few more pages every day. Now, that's been years past, but I know that if she were handed a typewriter today she would just begin clicking away like it was yesterday. She has definitely aged, but in some ways she seems as young as ever. My Grandma has inspired me to do new things and to reach for my dreams more. She has influenced my life in the past; and I know she will continue to in the future.
This blog is ultimately for my Composition 1 class. I will be posting some papers and assignments on here, however, I will also post things of my interest. This is the first time I have ever had a blog; so I am excited to begin!
Monday, June 30, 2014
Church and Family!
Sunday, June 29th, 2014
Today my family and I were able to go to church this morning. I always enjoy going to church and getting spiritually uplifted and prepared for the week ahead. I have grown up going to church each and every Sunday and plan to continue on for the rest of my life. It has been a great strength to me throughout my life thus far. My church family has always been very loving, friendly, and supportive of me throughout the years. I have always been able to count on my teachers to teach me something new and create a positive atmosphere for me to be around each Sunday. I have been able to create long-lasting friendships and many memories.
Another tradition that we keep in my family is Sunday dinner. Every Sunday we always go over to my Grandma's house to have dinner as a family. We have been having Sunday dinner for as long as I can remember. My family, my grandma, my uncle, and my two cousins always go. Every now and then more of my extended family will come as well. We enjoy visiting with one another and laughing together. I don't mean to paint this beautiful fairytale picture, because we do have issues that must be addressed and people get on each others nerves; but we still have to love one another. I have many memories from going to Sunday dinner at my Grandma's and I wouldn't change them for the world. Some of my fondest memories as a child are from those times together.
Last but not least, we always try to squeeze in a Sunday nap. My mom and I in particularly always try to rest some in the afternoon. Sundays are my days to get rested and prepared for the week ahead, so naps can be helpful towards those efforts. It is just nice to be able to take a good nap if time is permitting. Sunday is my favorite day of the week!
Today my family and I were able to go to church this morning. I always enjoy going to church and getting spiritually uplifted and prepared for the week ahead. I have grown up going to church each and every Sunday and plan to continue on for the rest of my life. It has been a great strength to me throughout my life thus far. My church family has always been very loving, friendly, and supportive of me throughout the years. I have always been able to count on my teachers to teach me something new and create a positive atmosphere for me to be around each Sunday. I have been able to create long-lasting friendships and many memories.
Another tradition that we keep in my family is Sunday dinner. Every Sunday we always go over to my Grandma's house to have dinner as a family. We have been having Sunday dinner for as long as I can remember. My family, my grandma, my uncle, and my two cousins always go. Every now and then more of my extended family will come as well. We enjoy visiting with one another and laughing together. I don't mean to paint this beautiful fairytale picture, because we do have issues that must be addressed and people get on each others nerves; but we still have to love one another. I have many memories from going to Sunday dinner at my Grandma's and I wouldn't change them for the world. Some of my fondest memories as a child are from those times together.
Last but not least, we always try to squeeze in a Sunday nap. My mom and I in particularly always try to rest some in the afternoon. Sundays are my days to get rested and prepared for the week ahead, so naps can be helpful towards those efforts. It is just nice to be able to take a good nap if time is permitting. Sunday is my favorite day of the week!
Saturday, June 28, 2014
My Mom officially has her own computer!
Friday, June 27th, 2014
Today I was able to go to Springfield with my mom and my little brother. At home we use my laptop for anything we need a computer for, so it stays pretty busy! My mom really liked my computer and knew that I will be leaving soon to go to college in the fall, so she would need to get a computer for at home. She looked into which one she would want and decided that she wanted to get the same one as me that way she would know how to work it and I could help her with it. So we all got in the car to go to Springfield to get her a computer this morning. We went in and she was able to get the one she wanted for a better price than what she was afraid of, so that was a plus. Now, I have the honor of teaching her how to do things and how to use it! When she has been on my computer she gets so surprised at some of the things that it can do. It is always interesting to see her reactions to some things. She is a very cheery, bubbly person so she gets all excited about some things. My brother was excited too of course. I was also able to read more in my accounting textbook and am learning so much more than what I would've thought in that class. It can be kind of fun at times and then so frustrating other times! I can genuinely say that I have enjoyed my English class though. I have always enjoyed English throughout school; and it has always been my favorite subject. I have so much to learn within the subject though sometimes I feel like such a Rookie! I think that is how my mom feels with her computer too.
Today I was able to go to Springfield with my mom and my little brother. At home we use my laptop for anything we need a computer for, so it stays pretty busy! My mom really liked my computer and knew that I will be leaving soon to go to college in the fall, so she would need to get a computer for at home. She looked into which one she would want and decided that she wanted to get the same one as me that way she would know how to work it and I could help her with it. So we all got in the car to go to Springfield to get her a computer this morning. We went in and she was able to get the one she wanted for a better price than what she was afraid of, so that was a plus. Now, I have the honor of teaching her how to do things and how to use it! When she has been on my computer she gets so surprised at some of the things that it can do. It is always interesting to see her reactions to some things. She is a very cheery, bubbly person so she gets all excited about some things. My brother was excited too of course. I was also able to read more in my accounting textbook and am learning so much more than what I would've thought in that class. It can be kind of fun at times and then so frustrating other times! I can genuinely say that I have enjoyed my English class though. I have always enjoyed English throughout school; and it has always been my favorite subject. I have so much to learn within the subject though sometimes I feel like such a Rookie! I think that is how my mom feels with her computer too.
And the Fluency Journal Begins!
Thursday, June 26th, 2014
I am the type of person who likes to write some things and type other things. There are some things that are just so much more personable when written. I enjoy typing at times when my brain seems to be on a roll, but when it comes to a more sensitive topic or more personal things I prefer to write. This fluency journal is actually going to be quite interesting for me I feel like. I think I will go back and forth between writing things and then later typing them, and just typing them. In a world full of technology it is nice to just pick up a pen and write sometimes rather than click your fingers away on a computer. For me I feel like I am on my computer all the time between the online classes I am taking, so a change of scenery is nice. Recently, I have been trying to write in my journal frequently. It is relaxing in a way to just be able to write the things on your mind. I have noticed that for me sometimes when I am stressed if I will just put everything down on paper that I am worried about my mind seems so much freer, rather than, bogged down. I am both excited and overwhelmed with this fluency assignment. I know that there will be many days, such as today, when I will write rather than type and then type later. I know that this will be a good habit to get into and will help me to prepare for Composition 2 next year. I think that this will be a great thing to look back on as well. When I was in elementary and in junior high I kept a journal somewhat and some of the things I wrote are so funny to look back on and think about. I hope that this will maybe serve in a similar way. I hope to look back on this fluency journal assignment and remember some of the memories I made at this time in my life.
I am the type of person who likes to write some things and type other things. There are some things that are just so much more personable when written. I enjoy typing at times when my brain seems to be on a roll, but when it comes to a more sensitive topic or more personal things I prefer to write. This fluency journal is actually going to be quite interesting for me I feel like. I think I will go back and forth between writing things and then later typing them, and just typing them. In a world full of technology it is nice to just pick up a pen and write sometimes rather than click your fingers away on a computer. For me I feel like I am on my computer all the time between the online classes I am taking, so a change of scenery is nice. Recently, I have been trying to write in my journal frequently. It is relaxing in a way to just be able to write the things on your mind. I have noticed that for me sometimes when I am stressed if I will just put everything down on paper that I am worried about my mind seems so much freer, rather than, bogged down. I am both excited and overwhelmed with this fluency assignment. I know that there will be many days, such as today, when I will write rather than type and then type later. I know that this will be a good habit to get into and will help me to prepare for Composition 2 next year. I think that this will be a great thing to look back on as well. When I was in elementary and in junior high I kept a journal somewhat and some of the things I wrote are so funny to look back on and think about. I hope that this will maybe serve in a similar way. I hope to look back on this fluency journal assignment and remember some of the memories I made at this time in my life.
Fourth of July is on its way!
Saturday, June 28th, 2014
Every year on Fourth of July my family and I go over to my grandma's house to celebrate. I have a lot of extended family that live close by so we are all able to get together every year. There is usually about 50 people there to enjoy the day. As you can imagine, there is quite a bit of work in preparing for the event before it actually happens and a lot of cleaning to be done once it is over. Can you guess who gets to help with all of this? My family, my uncle, and my cousins. Every year we have to spray paint some things, clean off the front and back porch, spread mulch out, make sure the flowers look good, get the yard mowed and weed-eated, and the list goes on and on. As the Fourth of July approaches there is much to be done to get things all ready for the big day. So, what do you think I got to do today? Why yes, yes I did get to help my grandma get things cleaned up this morning. You may think I am coming off as negative about this, but in all actuality I enjoy helping her. Throughout the years it has been a great way for us to bond together. I have loved the time spent at my grandma's house getting ready for Fourth of July, celebrating Fourth of July, and cleaning up after Fourth of July. When I was little I remember the first time my grandpa taught us how to spray paint. There are five of us grandkids in total and we were all decently close in age so we all learned about the same time. We thought it was super cool to be able to spray paint! We all had different things assigned to us to spray paint. Over the years we have still kept that same object to spray paint. The clean-up was always fun for us to because we would find all kinds of left over fireworks around the yard. It seemed to always be a competition to see who could find the most. We have a piƱata every year too so we would sometimes find leftover candy for us to snack on while we picked up all the trash. We always play at least three kid games and three adult games and have a blast. I have and forever will enjoy the Fourth of July spent with family.
Every year on Fourth of July my family and I go over to my grandma's house to celebrate. I have a lot of extended family that live close by so we are all able to get together every year. There is usually about 50 people there to enjoy the day. As you can imagine, there is quite a bit of work in preparing for the event before it actually happens and a lot of cleaning to be done once it is over. Can you guess who gets to help with all of this? My family, my uncle, and my cousins. Every year we have to spray paint some things, clean off the front and back porch, spread mulch out, make sure the flowers look good, get the yard mowed and weed-eated, and the list goes on and on. As the Fourth of July approaches there is much to be done to get things all ready for the big day. So, what do you think I got to do today? Why yes, yes I did get to help my grandma get things cleaned up this morning. You may think I am coming off as negative about this, but in all actuality I enjoy helping her. Throughout the years it has been a great way for us to bond together. I have loved the time spent at my grandma's house getting ready for Fourth of July, celebrating Fourth of July, and cleaning up after Fourth of July. When I was little I remember the first time my grandpa taught us how to spray paint. There are five of us grandkids in total and we were all decently close in age so we all learned about the same time. We thought it was super cool to be able to spray paint! We all had different things assigned to us to spray paint. Over the years we have still kept that same object to spray paint. The clean-up was always fun for us to because we would find all kinds of left over fireworks around the yard. It seemed to always be a competition to see who could find the most. We have a piƱata every year too so we would sometimes find leftover candy for us to snack on while we picked up all the trash. We always play at least three kid games and three adult games and have a blast. I have and forever will enjoy the Fourth of July spent with family.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Know Your Audience Analysis
I really enjoyed Belinda Clark’s discussion question of, “Where
are you from and what circumstances brought you to where you are?” It was so
interesting to see where everyone was from and why. I would have to say the
majority of the people in the class are from Springfield, Missouri expectedly,
but there were some people that had lived in places such as: Italy, Germany,
and Mexico. It thought that was really neat! Scott Smith even said that he had
traveled the world a lot, but Springfield was his hometown and where he always seems
to end up. That got me to thinking about my own hometown and whether I will be
able to say that in ten years. I am just beginning my journey in life and I’m
uncertain where I will end up, possibly my hometown with family.
I also enjoyed Kayla Holland’s question of whether or not we
have children. I went through and counted up the responses and the people who
do not are slightly ahead. There is almost half and half on this question! It
was great to see the ratio of people who are younger and also older. This makes
a big difference in your writing audience. There are many things young people could
talk about that older people wouldn’t be interested and vice versa. It is good
to know that our audience is broad!
Adrienne Lamphear’s discussion question on what our favorite
season is was a great way to get to know people. The majority of the people
said fall was their favorite, but summer wasn’t too far behind. I was honestly
surprised at how many people said winter was their favorite season! I would have
never guessed that that many people actually liked winter. It’s not that I don’t
like it at all, but it’s not necessarily a season I am excited about either.
I thought it was interesting how we all had different TV
shows to represent our lives and only a couple were the same. That just goes to
show you how different we all are! Interestingly many of us have far different
paths in life we would like to take, as discovered by Maria Whitsel’s question
about the future ten years from now. Nearly everyone though had something to
say about family or their spouse. I think that goes to show that no matter what
family is so important and is highly valued.
Although the Jung Personality test wasn’t part of the Know
Your Audience discussion board; I feel like it also helped me do just that. I
liked going through some of the blogs and seeing what kind of personality’s
people had. This was also a great way to get to know the students in class.
There were a lot of great discussion questions posted and I thoroughly
enjoyed reading everyone’s responses. It was amazing to me how all over the
board we are as a class. It seems as though everyone is very different and
unique. Thanks for letting me get to know you, as I hope you have gotten to
know me.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
This I Believe Freewrite
I believe in true happiness not temporary happiness. Some may think, "What on Earth do you mean by that?" Well, I will explain. Our world today seems to be chalked full of temporary happiness. Around every corner is the opportunity to go get drunk, break your virtue, try drugs, buy clothes that reveal everything, and the list goes on and on. These things all bring temporary happiness, the happiness that is there in the moment for a short while but do not last. These things allow you to "be happy" for a time, then end in regret or an addiction to do more, which ultimately leads you down a life of unhappiness. For instance, many think going to parties and getting drunk is fun, hip, and will bring them happiness. While they may think this in the moment, they will not think this the next morning when they are hung-over. There are so many threats to just a plain ole' good person these days it is sometimes difficult to see through the ciaos of our world. There is a lot of pressure for people to join in on these worldly things, however, that is not what brings us true happiness. True happiness comes from living by the commandments set forth in the scriptures. True happiness comes from laughing with your family and friends. True happiness is keeping the law of chastity and waiting until you are married. True happiness comes from serving others wholeheartedly. True happiness is seen in the light of someone's eye. Just like temporary happiness, true happiness comes in many ways. I strongly believe that there is a difference between the happiness the world has to offer and the happiness our God has to offer.
288 words
288 words
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
This I Believe
I believe in love at first sight.
I believe in true happiness, not temporary happiness.
I believe in service.
I believe in the power of prayer.
I believe in the wisdom of those who have passed away.
I believe in laughing until you cry.
I believe that everyone has a conscious to know that what they are doing is right or wrong.
I believe that our thoughts become our actions and the words we speak.
I believe that I can be a successful student with hard work.
I believe that next summer I will be able to enjoy the outdoors.
I believe that someday I will have my bachelors degree and maybe go further.
I believe that I will feel accomplished and happy at the end of this semester.
I believe that I will stay active even in college.
I believe that my family loves me.
I believe that Heavenly Father is real and wants the best for me.
I believe that the scriptures are true.
I believe that we can live our lives in happiness.
I believe that looking on the bright side of things and staying positive will allow you to be more happy.
I believe that in life we must go through trials, but it is how we endure them that really matters.
I believe that there is life after death and that there is much more to life than this little time we have here on Earth.
I believe that this world we live in was created by our Heavenly Father.
I believe that we can help brighten someone else's day even by smiling there way.
I believe that I will someday be a good mother and good wife.
I believe that someday my life will not consist of schooling.
I believe that I will not regret taking summer classes.
I believe that life is an opportunity we should not take fore granted.
I believe in true happiness, not temporary happiness.
I believe in service.
I believe in the power of prayer.
I believe in the wisdom of those who have passed away.
I believe in laughing until you cry.
I believe that everyone has a conscious to know that what they are doing is right or wrong.
I believe that our thoughts become our actions and the words we speak.
I believe that I can be a successful student with hard work.
I believe that next summer I will be able to enjoy the outdoors.
I believe that someday I will have my bachelors degree and maybe go further.
I believe that I will feel accomplished and happy at the end of this semester.
I believe that I will stay active even in college.
I believe that my family loves me.
I believe that Heavenly Father is real and wants the best for me.
I believe that the scriptures are true.
I believe that we can live our lives in happiness.
I believe that looking on the bright side of things and staying positive will allow you to be more happy.
I believe that in life we must go through trials, but it is how we endure them that really matters.
I believe that there is life after death and that there is much more to life than this little time we have here on Earth.
I believe that this world we live in was created by our Heavenly Father.
I believe that we can help brighten someone else's day even by smiling there way.
I believe that I will someday be a good mother and good wife.
I believe that someday my life will not consist of schooling.
I believe that I will not regret taking summer classes.
I believe that life is an opportunity we should not take fore granted.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Typology Test Fascination
Welcome to my personality world of an ESTJ! This test was very fascinating! The questions that the test included really made me think and ask myself which one was true. There were some that I thought could go either way depending upon different situations, which made it difficult to decide on an answer. I really enjoyed taking this test and learning more about myself as both a person and as a writer.
After I had taken this test I was instantly interested on how I could learn more about the test and about my results. I found the same type of test on another website and found out even more. On this website the test was called a Keirsey Temperament Sorter 2. For each personality type it had two key words to describe that specific personality. My two words that went along with the ESTJ personality were Guardian Supervisor. (I suppose this is what I am called.)
My test results matched up with my personality really well after I had researched out what being an ESTJ really meant. One thing I really liked about the Typology test that we took was how it showed the percentage of each letter for you. This made the test even more accurate and easier to understand.
As for my personality I am a "Gaurdian Supervisor." The Gaurdian part of me likes to have fun with my friends, but is very serious about my duties and responsibilities. I am loyal, dependable, and believe in order and organization. The Supervisor in me will work hard to accomplish a goal. I am good at organizing, scheduling, and planning. I found out I have the same personality type as Bill O'Reilly as well. Now, there is plenty more to be said about my personality, but this will at least give you an idea of who I am.
Now that we know what we are discussing let me tell you that most everything that I read about my personality type was right. I am very serious about my duties and responsibilities. As a result of this, I have been a good, prompt student in the past and hope to continue to be throughout the future. I am not so sure my writing would be described as serious, however. My classes have always been something I hold as a high priority and responsibility; as they should be. My Chronicles teacher and fellow classmates have consistently been able to trust me and my writing abilities. As a writer for the school newspaper, I had to be prompt in turning in my stories and dependable in getting them done. I am a strong believer of organization in any and all aspects of life. I strive to stay organized with deadlines, notes and assignments, and even the outline of a paper. Everything becomes clear to me when it is in an organized manner.
In this short amount of class time we have had and with the help of the Typology test I am beginning to see that I tend to be an enthusiastic writer. Now, as a person, I have always been somewhat enthusiastic. In my writing I catch myself wanting to add exclamation points to sentences to show what I really feel, and then think twice knowing that it would be inappropriate. I enjoy writing and adding enthusiasm always makes writing more entertaining to read and people more fun to be around.
This test will definitely assist me and has already assisted me in my college writing. Knowing who you are is important in every aspect of your life, not just writing. I think if you truly know who you are and even how you are then you have far greater chances of being successful if you did not. This personality test has made me realize both who I am and how I am as a person and as a writer. I know that personality leaks through in our writing, therefore, ESTJ shows who I am and how I write.
The Typology test has filled me with fascination and curiosity. This test will be beneficial to me now and in the future as a student, writer, and person. I can't wait to learn more and grow from this knowledge!
After I had taken this test I was instantly interested on how I could learn more about the test and about my results. I found the same type of test on another website and found out even more. On this website the test was called a Keirsey Temperament Sorter 2. For each personality type it had two key words to describe that specific personality. My two words that went along with the ESTJ personality were Guardian Supervisor. (I suppose this is what I am called.)
My test results matched up with my personality really well after I had researched out what being an ESTJ really meant. One thing I really liked about the Typology test that we took was how it showed the percentage of each letter for you. This made the test even more accurate and easier to understand.
As for my personality I am a "Gaurdian Supervisor." The Gaurdian part of me likes to have fun with my friends, but is very serious about my duties and responsibilities. I am loyal, dependable, and believe in order and organization. The Supervisor in me will work hard to accomplish a goal. I am good at organizing, scheduling, and planning. I found out I have the same personality type as Bill O'Reilly as well. Now, there is plenty more to be said about my personality, but this will at least give you an idea of who I am.
Now that we know what we are discussing let me tell you that most everything that I read about my personality type was right. I am very serious about my duties and responsibilities. As a result of this, I have been a good, prompt student in the past and hope to continue to be throughout the future. I am not so sure my writing would be described as serious, however. My classes have always been something I hold as a high priority and responsibility; as they should be. My Chronicles teacher and fellow classmates have consistently been able to trust me and my writing abilities. As a writer for the school newspaper, I had to be prompt in turning in my stories and dependable in getting them done. I am a strong believer of organization in any and all aspects of life. I strive to stay organized with deadlines, notes and assignments, and even the outline of a paper. Everything becomes clear to me when it is in an organized manner.
In this short amount of class time we have had and with the help of the Typology test I am beginning to see that I tend to be an enthusiastic writer. Now, as a person, I have always been somewhat enthusiastic. In my writing I catch myself wanting to add exclamation points to sentences to show what I really feel, and then think twice knowing that it would be inappropriate. I enjoy writing and adding enthusiasm always makes writing more entertaining to read and people more fun to be around.
This test will definitely assist me and has already assisted me in my college writing. Knowing who you are is important in every aspect of your life, not just writing. I think if you truly know who you are and even how you are then you have far greater chances of being successful if you did not. This personality test has made me realize both who I am and how I am as a person and as a writer. I know that personality leaks through in our writing, therefore, ESTJ shows who I am and how I write.
The Typology test has filled me with fascination and curiosity. This test will be beneficial to me now and in the future as a student, writer, and person. I can't wait to learn more and grow from this knowledge!
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